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Yoga - an intimidating practice
On numerous occasions I’ve heard from students that coming into a yoga studio for a class can be intimidating. Most likely you’re now...
Aum - satcitananda
I sit down to meditate. My eyes close, I indulge in any fidgets my body feels it needs to make, and I find stillness, spine lengthened. ...
Prana Festival 2017
Recently Sunday School took the Yoga out of the classroom and onto the road, heading to the Prana Festival in Gothenburg, Sweden. Around...
Happy Musings
Whilst on my latest teacher training I participated in my first cacao ceremony. After taking the cacao I was expecting to experience some...
Why I Love Yoga
Well, most obviously, it’s a fantastic form of fitness, with countless benefits. And no, it’s not just gentle stretching, the allusion...
Why I move
“You’re mad!” – something I often hear from those who learn of the latest challenge I’m undertaking/have completed, or even just how...
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